The ISO 9001 standard is caring for us. It cares for us from several angles. One of these cares regards our documentation. The standard requires that people will document by all means. But it addittionally cares that people won't get confused and mix up different documents from different sources. Therefore it takes all documents to be controlled. This isn't a recommendation but a requirement. You should control your documents. In order to achieve documents control you have to maintain a method. This technique should be among the organizations quality procedures and it must be called "Documents Control" ;.In this procedure you have to refer to another distinct issues.
Forms of records
In the beginning, you have to define what documents this procedure would include. Documents could be working procedures, diagrams, technical specifications, price quotes etc. In order to not "swirl" around a lot of documents, let's allow it to be clear. Let's define what a document is: Communication of information Evidence for correspondence Sharing of any type of knowledge Approved documents Someone within the corporation must supervise all documents and see that they're suited to working before they are released.
The reason is to avoid any faults where unsuitable documents are increasingly being used or information that is classified is handed to wrong bodies. It is needed to define for whom it is authorized and when must he approve any document. Who is responsible? The same one who is in charge of the data documented. It must participate his job description. You can find situations that multiple function would be needed to approve one document. It happens when multiple process is documented on one document.
Updated documents
This requirement assures that always the last version is the version used - and not an older. Therefore you have to define a method for maintaining updated version and elimination of older versions Prawo jazdy kolekcjonerskie. How would one know what is the last version? Usually organizations manage a set of editions and updates for documents. You can manage the document itself. But most critical, it is needed to indicate the document itself as the last edition. In this way, any employee that will utilize the document, would make certain that he holds the last edition. Needless to say, don't forget to document the method. It can also be needed to define what to do with the old versions which can be now not updated. How do you handle them? Are they to be destroyed, archived etc. Managing editions must include: Date of last update The reason behind the update The function who demanded the update
The function that authorized the update Even though ISO 9001 standard doesn't require these requirements specifically, it'd help you to achieve its basic requirements. Needless to say you would use what is suited to your organization. Today there is a lot of document management softwares. These software, naturally qualify for the standard requirements nonetheless it is advised to examine anyone before purchasing. Availability and distribution of documents This is an un separated area of the last requirement. Defining the availability and distribution of documents must include these:
User authorization - to which it is authorized to utilize the document.
The precise location of the document - where must the document be kept before and after use. Nearly all of today's process management systems (such as ERP or CRM systems) provide documents control strongly related the method they handle. They present the user with a display (a screen on a computer system is a file like any other document) with defined information to input. Most of these systems even offers authorization module installed. However when systems like the ones mentioned don't exist in the corporation, it must provide along with his employees the relevant updated documents. Meaning the newest editions. In order to ensure, the standard require a documented method. How to obtain that? Well, this will depend on your own organization and his substructures.
Identification of documents
Any document (internal or external) should be identified somehow. Any internal document must have a name, serial number, catalogue number or whatever. Somehow to define it. The ISO 9001 standard requires that you maintain a method to accomplish identification. The identification must range from the numbering, coding or nevertheless you decided to recognize it. However it is needed to document the method. You should also include location of documents. How you can trace the document. as an example customer's files are scanned to the computer or stored in a few closet. The last intent behind all this is to accomplish control of the documents - any employee, once he looks at a file or attempting to trace a file, would know where to approach: a department, an activity, some function or any type of identification strongly related your organization.
When we look again at process management systems, then it is much simpler. Any document in those systems is identified by a number of some type, created by the system. The amount is given according with a internal method. In this case you must not document this process but mention it in the procedure why these specific documents are managed. Just in case you can find documents which can be manually managed you have to document the method. All this also applies for external documents. Any documentation that arrives from outside (with presumption it is a file as defined) is included in the ISO 9001 standard requirement. In this case you have to specify what is to do with these documents and where you can trace them in the hour of need. For instance, where to file the documents. Again, you define the method according to your organization's nature.
Documents removal
You should define a method for documents removal for almost any reason: un updated, out useful, etc. the method must include what is it to do with the document and who is responsible, once it is out of use. For instance, removing old documents from the organization's server for no longer use or removing old forms from the offices that no you might utilize them again. Some of the things sound trivial and they are, but still this is a ISO 9001 standard requirement.