Recycle cellphones? Absolutely! Were you aware that you could recycle your old or used cellphones? If you're the average person, you almost certainly have several hidden within a drawer somewhere. In three months or years, you'll rediscover these hidden phones and having no further use to you, these old units will likely land in your garbage bin and thence, in your city's landfill. But there's a much better, more environmentally-responsible, all the more profitable approach to throw out your old mobile phones. Mobile phone recycling could be the answer.
There may be around 700 million used or old mobile phones in America today, with approximately 125 million discarded handsets added every year. Based on a study completed by industry intelligence firm iSuppli Corporation in 2007, 36.8 percent stored their phones for their drawers, 10.2 percent threw them away or declared these as lost or stolen, in support of 9.4 percent recycled their used or old phones. In actual numbers, that's 10 million old mobiles rotting away inside our country's landfills and 37 million more gathering dust in the drawers of America - and that's from 2007 alone!
Why wouldn't you recycle your cellphones? Like other electronic wastes, mobile phones for their circuit boards and batteries, contain such harmful volatile organic compounds like lead, mercury, and cadmium. Dangerous chemicals like brominated flame retardants (BFRs) and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) are also in the plastic casing for many mobile phones. Based on Dr. Anne Marie Helmenstine, author and leading authority in biomedical sciences, lead has been found to result in development problems in kids and diminishes brain functions even adults. Cadmium exposure can lead to "liver and irreversible kidney problems (often fatal), respiratory and bone density problems. Compounds containing cadmium are also carcinogenic."
The vast majority of our landfills today are scientifically meant to contain chemicals leaking from the solid waste, but are you going to gamble the health of your kids and your's on the danger that this mobiles along with other electronic wastes we so carelessly throw to our own landfills will not leach chemicals into our underground water systems? The chance of these dangerous and deadly chemicals seeping into our water systems is actually high. By dumping phones along with other electronic wastes inside our landfills, we have been practically poisoning ourselves.
Could there be funds in cellular telephone recycling? Yes. In fact, cellular telephone recycling could be very lucrative. You can make money by selling your used or old mobile phones to recycling and refurbishing brands like Pacebutler Corporation in Edmond, OK who will pay approximately $50 for each and every unit you submit and may even pay with the shipping of packages containing no less than 4 units. The refurbishing company then turns around, and refurbishes these mobiles being marketed to wholesale buyers abroad, bringing communication capability to the people from developing countries in South America along with other areas.
Over a much bigger scale, recycling brands like Umicore in Belgium, who process unserviceable phones and e-waste, are able to extract such precious metals and other materials from their site like gold, silver, platinum, copper, coltan, plastic and glass, etc. from these. iphone回收價 Were you aware that there's more gold found available as one metric a lot of extra mobile phone along with other electronic waste than 17 tons of gold ore excavated and refined throughout the traditional mining process? Fortunately, after the complete recycling process ends, less than 50 % of 1% of the complete electronic waste processed, is deemed unfit being returned to the cycle and is also then just burned for energy generation.
The volume of precious metals within each mobile phone are basically just trace amounts, so its impractical and patently dangerous (because of the commercial chemicals necessary) in your case in an attempt to extract these minerals from a phone at home. It might appear to be bull crap, but it really was in news reports a few weeks ago - a man who fancied himself as an "urban miner" got poisoned by the commercial chemicals he was using, while "mining" cellular phones. The giant recycling firms generate profits by processing tons and tons of phones along with other electronic waste.