There are numerous number suppliers who provide economical non-geographical numbers at very competitive prices. These numbers aren't useful for large companies but work fabulously among the home based, medium size and small organizations. Several companies have already been benefited with the utilization of these numbers.
0800, 0808, 0844, 0845, 0870 and 0871 are a few of the free-phone numbers which are used exclusively by the companies. Each number system has its specifications and features and hence the expense vary. A number of the number systems provide free calling like 0800 and 0808 numbers although some offer local call charges. Free Caller Search Engine
These numbers come along with calling packages helping to make call management possible for the companies. Call management is especially useful where a company receives large quantity of calls every day. Call centres receive tens and thousands of calls simultaneously and company can't afford to miss just one call. Hence, they might need special call management techniques which could manage calls for them. The NGNs is one answer to their problems as this numbers system offers various call management tools that are very effective in attending calls smoothly. These packages include:
Auto call attendant: This package attends every call with a short greeting and then the call is directed to its concerned department. This way companies express their concern towards the customer. Call routing: Call routing is a central package as this tool allows an organization to re-direct calls to the free calling lines. The decision gets re-directed automatically if it's not attended as a result of some reason. Every call from potential user is critical and companies know their worth Fax to e-mail package: It is difficult to keep sitting on the fax desk to go to valuable customer faxes. To avoid this, you can activate the fax to e-mail package on their phone lines. This facilitates the fax to transfer automatically on the company's e-mail id.